As smartphone usage exceeds 76% of the adult population, any non profit organization or church is now looking to be able to accept mobile donations from their donors’ mobile phones!

Inspired Media Group makes it easy to create a mobile website or a native smartphone app that integrates with your current merchant provider to accept donations. It’s so easy that you could have an app and accept donations today.

How Does It Work?

The potential donor either texts in to a keyword campaign or types their mobile number into a tablet as they enter the church or the non profit event. They instantly receive a text message on their phone and can click the link and read more information about the service or event they are attending. From there they can find a donation page and can easily input their donation amount. The funds go directly into your account through your current merchant processor.

  • Save money by conserving paper and ink. You simply have people type their mobile number in a tablet and receive the information on your phone. You not only save the environment, but you save money by not printing and wasting paper and ink!
  • Get your free mobile website app. We build it for you and you can modify content any time you want without any prior programming knowledge.
  • Text message your databases and keep them engaged and informed. You can even ask for additional donations!
Each member that opts in via text or tablet is saved into a database.

As the days, services, and events go by the non profit builds a massive database of previous donors, visitors, and members. These people can easily receive a text message asking for an additional donation. The databases receive the request for a donation and can complete the donation from the mobile website or app provided.

Mobile website apps are easy to customize and you can login and change information, add pages, include videos, schedule events, and much more.