Hair and tanning salons, massage parlors, nail shops, veterinary clinics, and other personal or pet care establishments have started utilizing mobile marketing engagements for a variety of reasons:

Text Appointment Reminders

Because many of these places schedule appointments well into the future, the ability to send reminders via text has plenty of advantages such as reducing paper, ink, and postage costs and enabling clients to instantly reply to the message. Text appointment reminders have been proven in many studies to reduce no-shows by as much as 5% and are more environmentally friendly.

Loyalty Marketing Directly To mCommerce

Businesses within the cosmetology and health industries tend to have face-to-face POS interaction with their customers, which provides customers with the opportunity to text-in or type their number in a form on a tablet. From here, customers can receive messages once or twice a month which can result in increased revenue.

Text might promote:

  • Social network growth
  • Ancillary products or services the business sells
  • Referral business
  • Special Events
  • Or even mCommerce

mCommerce – These businesses are prime targets for gift certificate purchases, thus making them the perfect mCommerce choice.

  • Build a database of your customers throughout the year.
  • Build your mobile website/app with Google checkout or Paypal buttons of three common gift certificate sizes.
  • Promote around major holidays

Picking Up New Customers

Mobile engagements are perfect when integrated with any marketing including events, print ads, radio, outdoor displays, door hangers, business cards, and literally anything that is put out into the public. When potential Salon customers see or hear the ads, they have the ability to instantly engage with their mobile device to get the instant coupon, to see the list of services, to schedule their appointment, to view locations, and more.

Once potential customers text in to receive the information they are saved into the database for future marketing. This strategy is often described as mobile “lead-mining” and results in the most cost-effective new customer acquisition.