Real estate agents and brokers are always working on building databases of people and trying to stay top-of-mind with them so when they are ready to buy or sell a property they think of that agent first! Now is the time to start leveraging the tool that is right in all of their potential customer’s hands— their mobile phone.

Inspired Media Group provides the absolute best real estate SMS and mobile website application combined with virtual business cards that does everything necessary to really jump start sales for any realtor. There are three main features or tools that can be implemented together that build databases, create new leads, and helps with keeping any realtor top-of-mind to generate more sales on an annual basis.

1. Virtual Business Card App (circle-of-influence management tool)
The virtual business card app sits right on the realtor’s phone. When someone asks for a business card instead of handing them an immediately disposed of paper card, they can have the potential buyer or seller enter their mobile number directly into their app. The potential customer gets a text-message and can save the realtor’s information right into their contacts. They also receive a link inside the text message that directs them to the realtor’s listings and contact pages providing instant credibility.

When the customer types their mobile number into the app their information is saved into the databases. Now the realtor can create one or two text messages per month and send them out to their growing lists of people and remind them of new listings, open houses, lowered interest rates, first time buyer programs, and more. This creates awesome top-of-mind awareness because of the 99% open and read rates on the text messages delivered.

2. The Realtor Mobile Website / App
Many realtors have trouble getting their potential buyers to their mobile website to view other properties. They often will tell the potential client that they will send them some listings and hope that they will later open the emails and view them. With this tool, the realtor instantly sends the prospective buyer or seller their mobile website and app as a link inside the text message. The client can immediately click the link in the text message they are sent and view the mobile website app. This mobile website/app is easy to modify and update inside the real estate application provided to each realtor.

3. Virtual Flyers – Lead Generating SMS signs
With the real estate tools provided each listing can have its own keyword that can be placed onto a sign. Potential buyers drive by and see the sign rider or free standing sign and can instantly text in to see pictures, video, pricing, and much more.

When the potential client texts in to view the information the realtor gets an immediate text message notifying them of the associated mobile phone number. They can click the number and call the lead and schedule a showing or suggest other properties.